Course description
This course consists of two modules: robotics and game design. Students discover the world of programming while building robots using LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential sets. While learning sciences in practice, they develop their construction abilities, build models following instructions and expand the models with their own ideas. They use blocks and electronic parts which they then program using a visual programming language in a dedicated app. They use programming blocks with text-based commends in the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ application. The second module is about game design on the Kodu Game Lab platform. Kodu is a tool created with designing 3D games in mind. Students can modify, among others, the look of the map on which the game takes place, the dynamics and movements of the camers, and the behaviour of the characters. Through tasks performed during the course, students develop their programming skills, their spatial imagination, and their graphical abilities.
After the course students:
- Use programming blocks to bring robot models to life, testing programs by trial and error
- Modify game worlds and program the movements of the characters on the screen
- Understand and apply language constructions, such as loops, variables and conditional instructions
- Develop the ability to solve problems and algorithmic thinking
- Build robots according to instructions and create their own models, developing their engineering skills